Trakai Island Castle, Lithuania
Trakai Island Castle is located in Trakai, Lithuania on an island on the shores of Lake Galvė. The castle is sometimes referred to as "Little Marienburg". The construction of the stone castle was begun in the 14th century by Kęstutis, and around 1409 major works were completed by his son Vytautas the Great, who died in this castle in 1430. Trakai was one of the main centers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the castle held great strategic importance.
特拉凯(Trakai),以前曾经是立陶宛的首座都城,始建于12世纪,14世纪成为立陶宛大公国的首都,后经历次战争破坏。19世纪末修复。现特拉凯成为国家历史公园,占地约8千公顷,园区内分布着丘陵、原始森林和湖泊。其中湖泊面积约占整个公园的 五分之一,是夏季游泳纳凉的好去处。
References sources : wikipedia
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