Alhambra, Monument of Spain, Granada, Spain (UNESCO WHS)
The Alhambra is a palace and fortress complex of the Moorish rulers of Granada in southern Spain (known as Al-Andalus when the fortress was constructed during the mid 14th century), occupying a hilly terrace on the southeastern border of the city of Granada.
Once the residence of the Muslim rulers of Granada and their court, the Alhambra is now one of Spain's major tourist attractions exhibiting the country's most famous Islamic architecture, together with Christian 16th century and later interventions in buildings and gardens that marked its image as it can be seen today. Within the Alhambra, the Palace of Charles V was erected by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor in 1527.
阿尔罕布拉宫(阿拉伯语:الحمراء,Al Ħamrā';即“红色城堡”,中国作家田晓菲在《赭城》一书中将其意译为“赭城”)是一个位于西班牙南部格拉纳达摩尔王朝时期修建的古代清真寺—宫殿—城堡建筑群。阿尔罕布拉宫位于格拉纳达城外西南方的山岗上,最初原址建有要塞称为Al-Andalus。宫殿为原格拉纳达摩尔人国王所建,现在则是一处穆斯林建筑、文化博物馆。1232年在老城改建的基础上逐步形成现存规模。宫墙外围有30米高的石砌城墙。有两组主要建筑群:一组为“石榴院”,另一组为“狮子院”。
References sources : wikipedia
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