Monastery Putna, Romania
The Putna monastery is a Romanian Orthodox monastery, one of the most important cultural, religious and artistic centers established in medieval Moldavia; as with many others, it was built and dedicated by Prince Stephen the Great. Putna was founded on the lands perambulated by the Putna (which has its source in the Obcina Mare mountains, Bukovina). Stephen the Great is famous for building and influencing the building of dozens of churches and monasteries all over Moldavia (allegedly, he founded a religious edifice after each important military victory). The Putna Monastery houses the tombs of Stephen —nowadays, a place of pilgrimage —, and several of his family members. The icon veils and tombstones are held as fine examples of Moldavian art in Stephen the Great’s time.
普特纳修道院是罗马尼亚著名的修道院,它位于罗马尼亚东北部的苏恰瓦县境内,靠近罗马尼亚和乌克兰边界,普特纳河就从这里流过。这座修道院建于 1466~1469 年间。普特纳修道院一直是鼓舞民族斗志、进行爱国主义教育的地方。罗马尼亚爱国诗人埃米内斯库称之为“民族觉悟的讲坛”。
这座修道院建于 1466~1469 年间,四周有坚固的围墙,四个角建有圆形角楼。围墙内有一座精美的教堂,长 27 米,宽 11 米,钟楼高 33 米。教堂后面及两侧,为一排长楼建筑。教堂内安葬着罗马尼亚摩尔多瓦公国著名的大公什特凡的灵柩,灵柩上方有一块凸出地面、四周雕有橡树叶的大理石墓碑。该修道院是什特凡大公在位时建造的。相传,什特凡大公在院外山坡上拉弓射箭,箭落于此,于是决定在这里建造修道院,做为他死后的归宿。什特凡大公在位 46 年,带领罗马尼亚人民进行了 36 次反击入侵者的战争,被认为是罗马尼亚的民族英雄,而苏恰瓦地区正是什特凡大公进行抗敌斗争的大本营。为此,在修道院内设有展览厅,陈列着什特凡大公的巨大绣像以及他生前在苏恰瓦战斗时用过的东西。大公死后的几个世纪以来,普特纳修道院一直是鼓舞民族斗志、进行爱国主义教育的地方。罗马尼亚爱国诗人埃米内斯库称之为“民族觉悟的讲坛”。
1866 年,修道院建立 400 周年时,罗马尼亚的爱国志士曾聚集于此,举行盛大纪念活动。与会者每人将自己从家乡带来的一把泥土放入一个大银瓮里,表示对祖国的热爱和全国人民的团结。埃米内斯库从家乡带来的泥土以及盛装泥土的银瓮至今依然保存着,并激发着罗马尼亚人民的爱国主义热情。1977 年 9 月,在普特纳修道院附近还建造了一座什特凡大公铜像。铜像立在高大的纪念碑顶端,什特凡大公身着戎装,骑在高头大马上,一手缆缰,一手高扬,十分威武。
References sources : Wikipedia, 互动百科
Great post, Jasmine! :)
To see more angles, and more such monuments, see pages 22, 23, and 24:
And while you are at it, go ahead and see the other pages, up to 33 so far, when you have time and desire. Thank you!
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