The Putuo Zongcheng Temple of Chengde, Hebei province, Chengde Mountian Resort, China ( UNESCO WHS )
The Putuo Zongcheng Temple (Chinese: 普陀宗乘之庙) of Chengde, Hebei province, China is a Qing Dynasty era Buddhist temple complex built between 1767 and 1771,during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor (1735-1796). It is located near the Chengde Mountain Resort, which is south of the Putuo Zongcheng. Along with the equally famed Puning Temple, it is one of the Eight Outer Temples of Chengde. The temple was modeled after the Potala Palace of Tibet, the old sanctuary of the Dalai Lama built a century earlier. Hence the Putuo Zongcheng has been nicknamed the "Little Potala Palace". Since it was modeled after the Potala palace, the temple represents a fusion of Chinese and Tibetan architectural styles. The temple complex covers a surface area of some 220,000 square meters, making it one of the largest in China. Many of its halls and pavilions are adorned with copper and gold tiled roofs, adding to the splendor of the site.
普陀宗乘之庙在1961年登录全国重点文物保护单位 ,在1994年登录世界文化遗产。普陀宗乘之庙位于河北省承德市避暑山庄附近,始建于乾隆三十二年(1767年)三月,于乾隆三十六年(1771年)八月竣工。这座庙宇是乾隆为了母亲皇太后80寿辰而建的,乾隆在庙中立御制碑《普陀宗乘之庙碑》纪念。普陀宗乘之庙是外八庙中最辉煌、规模最大的一个庙。因为这座庙宇是仿照西藏拉萨的布达拉宫而建,因而又称为“小布达拉宫”,“普陀宗乘”乃藏语布达拉的音译。
References sources : wikipedia
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