Allianz Arena, a football stadium in Munich, Germany
The Allianz Arena is a football stadium in the north of Munich, Germany. The two professional Munich football clubs FC Bayern München and TSV 1860 München have played their home games at Allianz Arena since the start of the 2005/06 season. Both clubs had previously played their home games at the Munich Olympic Stadium since 1972, where FC Bayern München played all of their games and TSV 1860 München most of their games.
The large financial services provider, Allianz purchased the rights to name the stadium for 30 years. During the 2006 World Cup it was known as FIFA World Cup Stadium Munich.
The stadium will be the venue for the 2012 UEFA Champions League Final.
安聯竞技場(Allianz Arena,因冠名權售予德國的安聯保險公司而命名)是一座位於慕尼黑北部的专业足球場,2005年4月正式啟用,由2005/06球季開始成為拜仁慕尼黑及慕尼黑1860的新主場,兩間球會離開了於1972年使用的慕尼黑奧林匹克體育場。球場也是2006年世界盃揭幕戰的比賽場地,並舉行3場分組賽賽事,1場複賽賽事及1場準決賽賽事。球場由位于瑞士巴塞尔的“赫佐格和德默隆事务所”(Herzog & de Meuron)和德国汉堡的“冯·格康事务所”(Meinhard von Gerkan, Volkwin Marg and their partners,简称GMP)联合設計。
安聯球場是2006年世界杯的舉辦場地之一,不過在2006年世界盃期間,因安联不是世界杯的一级赞助商,因此國際足協不允許其名字出現在球場的名稱上,安聯竞技場遂以慕尼黑世界盃球場的名字出現在世界盃中。而此球场在舉行歐洲足協的比賽時會改稱慕尼黑球場(Fussball Arena München)。此外,安聯球場還會是2011-12賽季歐洲冠軍聯賽決賽的舉辦地。
References sources : wikipedia
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