Traditional costumes of the Sami people, Northern Norway
The Sami people are one of the indigenous people of northern Europe inhabiting Sápmi, which today encompasses parts of northern Sweden, Norway, Finland and the Kola Peninsula of Russia but also in the border area between south and middle Sweden. Their ancestral lands span an area the size of Sweden in the Nordic countries. The Sami people are among the largest indigenous ethnic groups in Europe. Their traditional languages are the Sami languages, which are classified as members of the Finno-Lappic group of the Uralic language family.
Traditionally, the Sami have plied a variety of livelihoods, including coastal fishing, fur trapping, and sheep herding. However, the best known Sami livelihood is semi-nomadic reindeer herding – which about 10% of the Sami are connected with and 2,800 actively involved with full-time. For traditional, environmental, cultural, and political reasons, reindeer herding is legally reserved only for Sami people in certain regions of the Nordic countries.
薩米人(Sami,Samit或Samek),是薩米地區(包括今天瑞典兩萬人、挪威北部四萬人、芬蘭六千五百人和俄羅斯科拉半島的部分地區兩千人)的原住民,是歐洲其中一個最大的原住民族群。薩米人的語言是薩米語,屬於芬蘭-烏戈爾語族。其他對於薩米人的稱呼或寫法有: Sámen、Saamen、Sámi、Saami、Lappen;而從前稱他們為拉普人,但薩米人認為這稱呼帶有輕視的意味。
薩米人的開墾地區常被簡稱為「拉布蘭」,但薩米人的開墾區遠廣於瑞典歷史上的拉布蘭。他們把自己所開墾的區域稱為薩米(Sápmi), 橫跨芬蘭、挪威、瑞典、俄羅斯四國國境。瑞典境內薩米人的居住區是世界文化與自然雙重遺產。
References sources : wikipedia
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