Batalha Monastery, Portugal (UNESCO WHS)
Mosteiro Santa Maria da Vitória, more commonly known as the Batalha Monastery, is a Dominican monastery in the Portuguese town of Batalha, in the District of Leiria, Portugal. It is one of the best and original examples of Late Gothic architecture in Portugal, intermingled with the Manueline style. It amazes the onlooker with its profusion of gables, spires, pinnacles and buttresses. It has become a symbol of national pride.
In 1840 king Ferdinand II of Portugal started a restoration program of the abandoned monastery in ruins, saving this jewel of Gothic architecture. The restoration would last till the early years of the 20th century. It was declared a national monument in 1907. In 1980 the monastery was turned into a museum.
The Batalha Abbey was added in 1983 by the UNESCO to its list of World Heritage sites.
巴塔利亚修道院位于葡萄牙海滨贝伦省巴塔利亚市,是为纪念1385年战胜卡斯蒂利亚人而建的。巴塔利亚修道院是葡萄牙民族独立得到进一步巩固的标志。 1385年8月15日,英勇的葡萄牙人民在阿尔茹巴战役中击败卡斯蒂利亚人之后,国王胡安一世允诺建造该修道院,这座庄严的哥特式建筑由此诞生。巴塔利亚修道院也被称为“凯旋的圣母玛丽亚修道院”。
教堂在以后历代曾多次扩建,由大殿、礼拜堂、钟楼、墓地等组成。主楼为3层建筑,底层是拱形大门,没有窗户,旁边有带阳台顶的平房相接。第二层为拱形窗屋,顶层中间又为一个带有凉台的拱形落地火焰状窗户,周围是高耸向上林立的尖顶。门廊上镌刻了线条复杂、苍劲有力的木浮雕像和几何图形,风格与法国博尔戈尼亚地区的哥特式雕刻相仿。修道院内教堂大殿长80.27米,宽敞2米,高32.46 米,有侧肋交叉拱穹顶。
References sources : wikipedia,
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