Casa Battlo (1904-1907) , Barcelona, Spain ( UNESCO WHS )
Casa Batlló, is a building restored by Antoni Gaudí and Josep Maria Jujol, built in the year 1877 and remodelled in the years 1905–1907; located at 43, Passeig de Gràcia (passeig is Catalan for promenade or avenue), part of the Illa de la Discòrdia in the Eixample district of Barcelona, Catalonia.
The local name for the building is Casa dels ossos (House of Bones), and indeed it does have a visceral, skeletal organic quality. It was originally designed for a middle-class family and situated in a prosperous district of Barcelona.
The building looks very remarkable — like everything Gaudí designed, only identifiable as Modernisme or Art Nouveau in the broadest sense. The ground floor, in particular, is rather astonishing with tracery, irregular oval windows and flowing sculpted stone work.
It seems that the goal of the designer was to avoid straight lines completely. Much of the façade is decorated with a mosaic made of broken ceramic tiles (trencadís) that starts in shades of golden orange moving into greenish blues. The roof is arched and was likened to the back of a dragon or dinosaur. A common theory about the building is that the rounded feature to the left of centre, terminating at the top in a turret and cross, represents the sword of Saint George (patron saint of Catalonia), which has been plunged into the back of the dragon.
巴特洛公寓(Casa Batlló)是建筑师安东尼·高迪设计的一座建筑,建造于1905年到1907年间。位于西班牙巴塞罗那埃克萨潘区(Eixample)的加西亚大街(Passeig de Gárcia)43号。2005年被扩充入世界遗产安东尼·高迪的建筑作品中。
巴特洛公寓有两个阁楼开放。位于楼顶的“龙腹”("The Dragon's Belly")中,高迪使用了其精巧的悬链拱。而“火的空间”("The Fire Space"),则是由当代建筑师英葛·摩利尔(Ingo Maurer)设计的,是一个灯光与视觉的奇幻空间。其余各处仿佛真实的童话,愉快而怀旧,散发着巴塞罗那浓郁的现代主义生活气息。在这里,成人与孩童一样都会浮想联翩。烟囱在晚上会亮起灯光。在屋顶400m2的露台上,可以享受地中海式的户外生活和巴塞罗那的怡人气候。
References sources : wikipedia
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