St. Peter's Basilica( UNESCO WHS )
The Basilica of Saint Peter (Latin: Basilica Sancti Petri), officially known in Italian as the Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano and commonly known as St. Peter's Basilica, is located within the Vatican City. St. Peter's has the largest interior of any Christian church in the world, holding 60,000 people. It is regarded as one of the holiest Christian sites and has been described as "holding a unique position in the Christian world" and as "the greatest of all churches of Christendom". In Catholic Tradition, it is the burial site of its namesake Saint Peter, who was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and, according to Tradition, was the first Bishop of Antioch, and later first Bishop of Rome and therefore first in the line of the papal succession. While St. Peter's is the most famous of Rome's many churches, it is not the first in rank, an honour held by the Pope's cathedral church, the Basilica of St. John Lateran.
Catholic tradition holds that Saint Peter's tomb is below the altar of the basilica. For this reason, many Popes, starting with the first ones, have been buried there. There has been a church on this site since the 4th century. Construction on the present basilica, over the old Constantinian basilica, began on April 18, 1506 and was completed on November 18, 1626.
St. Peter's is famous as a place of pilgrimage, for its liturgical functions and for its historical associations. It is associated with the papacy, with the Counter-reformation and with numerous artists, most significantly Michelangelo. As a work of architecture, it is regarded as the greatest building of its age. Contrary to popular misconception, Saint Peter's is not a cathedral, as it is not the seat of a bishop. It is properly termed a basilica. Like all the earliest churches in Rome,it has the entrance to the east and the apse at the west end of the building.
聖伯多祿大殿(意大利语:Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano),也譯為聖伯多祿教堂、聖彼得教堂或聖彼得大教堂,是梵蒂岡的主要大殿。它建於1506年至1626年,可能是世界最大的教堂,也是天主教最神聖的地方之一。它佔地23,000平方米,可容納超過六萬人。教堂中央是直徑42米的穹窿,頂高約138米,前面有兩重用柱廊圍繞的巴洛克式廣場。義大利文藝復興時期的建築師與藝術家勃拉芒特、拉斐爾、米開朗基羅和小莎迦洛等都曾參與設計。廣場的設計人是貝尼尼。堂內保存有歐洲文藝復興時期許多藝術家如米開朗基羅、拉斐爾等的壁畫與雕刻。
References sources : Wikipedia
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