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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

P246 - Thailand - Poda Island, Krabi

Poda Island, Krabi, Thailand

Krabi (Thai: กระบี่) is a town (thesaban mueang) on the west coast of southern Thailand at the mouth of the Krabi River into the Andaman Sea. As of 2005 the town has a population of 24,986. The town is the capital of Krabi Province and Krabi district.

Koh Poda is a small limestone island 25 minutes by boat from the beaches of the Raileh peninsular. The circular island is no more than a kilometre in diameter, covered in palm trees and almost entirely encircled by a soft white sand beach. A coral reef lies 20 metres offshore, and the combination of scenery, beach and excellent snorkelling make it one of the favourite places to spend a lazy day in this part of the world.

There is some accomodation in Koh Poda (bungalows), although it's quite pricey. Koh Poda is an Island and is approx. 30mins by [Longtail Boat] ride from Ao Nang Beach.


喀比府的海灘及島嶼各具特色、設施完善,從超豪華型的酒店到簡樸的度假小屋一應俱全,且全都面向無敵海景,能充分滿足不同旅游者的需求。沙灘的風格也是多種多樣,PhraNang 灣幼沙如雪、Nopparat-Thara海灘野趣橫生,而披披島則以其碧海銀灘聞名於世。澄淨無暇的海水、寧靜清幽的沙灘、林木茂盛的山巒、色彩斑斕的珊湖礁、千姿百態的海洋生物使得喀比府成為安達曼海濱令人向往的洞大附第。

喀比可謂是泰國西南部最物美價廉的泰式美食之都。在喀比城和Ao Nang海灘眾多的餐館裏你不僅可以領略泰國不同地區的風味,還能品嘗到世界各地的佳餚。當地品種豐富、絕對新鮮的海鮮也定會讓你大快朵頤。落日餘輝中,伴習習的海風和搖的燭光享受一頓豐盛的晚餐,該是多麼愜意。與熱辣鮮香的美味珍比起來,喀比的夜生活卻顯得平靜如水。人們通常的消遣方式是到露天酒吧小酌幾杯、在皎潔的月光下漫步海邊或舉辦一個小型的沙灘晚會。

喀比的活動項目及景點眾多,不一而足。除了欣賞壯觀的貝殼化石墓地、山洞探險、攀崖、劃艇、海上垂釣、在披披島逗留外,你還可以到Poda島或雞島附近海域體驗深潛和浮潛之樂、於風和日麗之時乘長尾船沿秀美如畫的海岸線徜祥、前往巨大的海盜洞親眼目睹驚險刺激的燕窩采集並觀賞古老神秘的岩洞壁畫、造訪綠樹掩映的著名的老虎洞寺廟、游覽Khao Phanom Bencha國家公園,看溪流潺潺。溫泉淙淙。喀比實在是人們休閑度假和蜜月旅行的絕佳之選。喀比府交通極為便利。不僅可以先曼古和普吉乘車前往,還能從曼谷搭火車到 Trang、Puhn Pin或Tung Song後轉乘汽車抵達。此外,泰國國際航空公司及普吉航空公司每天在曼谷和喀比間還開行了數個直飛航班。

References sources : krabi-tourism.com

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Navarasa Photo Arts said...

Beautiful stamps..:)

Tussy said...

Is this my card from our private swap?
Stamp look good after post mark still.

You Got A Posty
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Jasmine said...

Yes, this is your postcard from our swap and thank you for your nice stamps, it look great! :)

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