Milos island, Cyclades group, Greece
Milos is a volcanic Greek island in the Sea of Crete, just south of the Aegean Sea.
The island is famous for the statue of Aphrodite (the "Venus de Milo", now in the Louvre), and also for statues of the Greek god Asclepius (now in the British Museum) and the Poseidon and an archaic Apollo in Athens. The Municipality of Milos also includes the uninhabited offshore islands of Antimilos and Ananes. The combined land area is 160.147 km² and the 2001 census population was 4,771 inhabitants.
米洛斯岛(Μήλος / Milos)是爱琴海上的一个火山岛,位于基克拉泽斯群岛最西南端。由于位处希腊大陆和克里特岛之间,该岛在爱琴文明时期是重要的位置。在青铜时代著名的费拉科庇(Phylakopi)遗址上发现了一个米诺斯宫殿。另外,该岛在古希腊以盛产艺术品闻名于世,著名的《米洛斯的维纳斯》即发现于此。
References sources : wikipedia
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