Mole Antonelliana, Torino, Italy
The Mole Antonelliana is a major landmark of the Italian city of Turin. It is named for the architect who built it, Alessandro Antonelli. Construction began in 1863 and was completed 26 years later, after the architect's death. Nowadays it houses the National Museum of Cinema, and it is believed to be the tallest museum in the world.
義大利杜林的標誌是安托內利尖塔,是以它的建築師亞歷山德羅· 安托內利的名字命名的。它於1863年開始建造,最初是座猶太教堂。如今,這裡是國家電影博物館所在地,是世界最高(167m或548ft)以及歐洲最大的博物館。
References sources : wikipedia
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