Plaza de Armas, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Guadalajara is the capital city of the Mexican state of Jalisco, and the seat of the municipality of Guadalajara. The city is located in the central region of the state and in the western-Pacific area of Mexico. With a population of 1,579,174 it is Mexico's second most populous municipality. The Guadalajara Metropolitan Area includes seven other adjacent municipalities and has a population of 4,095,715 in 2008, making it the second most populous metropolitan area in Mexico, behind Mexico City. The municipality is the most densely populated in Mexico after Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl in the State of Mexico.
墨西哥是世界上唯一酿造龙舌兰酒(tequila因出产该酒的小镇而得名)的国家,而龙舌兰酒原产地即为哈里斯科州,目前该酒原产地权由墨西哥政府持有。 瓜达拉哈拉市是墨西哥哈里斯科州的首府,也是瓜达拉哈拉大都市区的首府。地处墨西哥西太平洋区,在哈里斯科州的中心。建立于1542年,面积187.91 km2,海拔1560米。墨西哥国家统计局2005年数据显示,瓜达拉哈拉市区居住人口为1,600,894,为墨西哥人口第二多的城市,仅次于墨西哥州的Ecatepec 。整个大都市区由哈里斯科州的八个城市组成,据同年统计数据,总常住人口达4,095,853,也是全国人口第二多的大都市区。瓜达拉哈拉市的人口密度也是墨西哥第二大,仅仅次于墨西哥州的Nezahualcóyotl城。居民54.8%信奉天主教。
References sources : wikipedia
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