Springtime in Central Park, Manhattan, New York City, USA
Central Park is an urban park that occupies about 1.2 square miles (341 hectares, or 843 acres) in the heart of Manhattan in New York City. It is host to approximately twenty-five million visitors each year. Central Park was opened in 1859, completed in 1873 and designated a National Historic Landmark in 1963. Eighty-five percent of the park's operating budget comes from private sources via the Central Park Conservancy, which manages the park pursuant to a contract with New York City Department of Parks and Recreation.
中央公園(Central Park)是美國紐約市曼哈頓區大型的都市公園,面積843英畝(3.41平方公里),長4公里,寬800公尺,是常居於狹小單元的當地居民的一方綠洲。由於經常出現在電影和電視劇中,令它成為世界上最有名的城市公園。
公園由後來開拓布魯克林區Prospect公園的Frederick Law Olmsted和Calvert Vaux設計。看似天然的公園,其景觀實際上經過精心營造:內有數個人工湖、漫長的步行徑、兩個滑冰場、一個野生動物保護區、多處草地供各種體育愛好者使用,以及兒童遊樂場。由於吸引到候鳥前來,這裡也是觀鳥的好去處。長10公里的環園道路深受慢跑者、騎自行車者以及滾軸溜冰喜愛,尤其是在週末,以及晚上七時後禁止汽車通行的時候。
References sources : wikipedia
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